Sarah Allred

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2023-present Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
2022-2023 Postdoctoral Scholar, Vanderbilt University


2017-2022 Ph.D., Mathematics, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Bogdan Oporowski
Dissertation: Unavoidable Structures in Large and Infinite Graphs
2016-2017 M.S., Mathematics, Louisiana State University
2012-2016 B.S., Mathematics, Auburn University

Research Interests

General: Combinatorics, Graph Theory
Specific: Structural and Extremal Graph Theory


Published Papers

  1. S. Allred, P. Johnson, M. Murphy, Forbidding Rainbow Cycles with Edge-Colorings of Km,n. Alabama Journal of Mathematics Vol. 38 (2014).
  2. S. Allred, P. Johnson, Theta Graphs are Hall t-chromatic for all t = 0, 1, 2, … . Bulletin of the ICA, Vol. 81 (2017).
  3. S. Allred, G. Ding, B. Oporowski, Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-Connected Graphs. SIDMA, Vol 37, Iss. 2 (2023).
  4. S. Allred, E. Curl, S. Fallat, S. Nasserasr, H. Schuerger, R.R. Villagrán, P.K. Vishwakarma, The Strong Spectral Property of Graphs: Graph Operations and Barbell Partitions.  Graphs and Combinatorics. Vol 40, Iss. 2 (2024). 


  1. S. Allred, C. Erickson, K. Grace, H.T. Hall, A. Jensen, A Combinatorial Bound on the Number of Distinct Eigenvalues of a Graph. arXiv: 2209.11307.
  2. S. Allred, G. Ding, B. Oporowski, Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Infinite 2-Connected Graphs. arXiv: 2211.06416.

Papers in Preparation

  1. S. Allred, M. Ellingham, Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of 2-edge-connected graphs.

Extended Research Travel

Summer 2021 AMS Mathematics Research Community


Summer 2020

Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

  • Participated in ongoing research into investigating alterations to compressed archives:
    • Developed a prototype framework for format specifications
    • Represented data at multiple layers of abstraction, from binary encoding to human-readable description
  • Work product consisted of:
    • A series of technical presentations to a group with interests that include digital forensics, network security, and machine vision
    • A binary file parsing code in Python to read data and construct a higher-order representation of the file data

Honors, Awards, Distinctions

Louisiana State University

Fall 2020 Certificate of Teaching Excellence
Spring 2020 David Oxley Graduate Teaching Award
2016-2018 Board of Regents Fellow


Invited Talks

2023 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of 2-connected Graphs, Georgia Tech Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology.
2023 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Infinite 2-connected Graphs, AMS Spring Southeastern Section Meeting, Georgia Institute of Technology.
2023 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Infinite 2-connected Graphs, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA.
2022 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, Auburn Combinatorics Seminar, Auburn University.
2022 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large and Infinite 2-connected Graphs, Joint Vanderbilt/MTSU Graph Theory and Combinatorics Seminar, Vanderbilt University.
2022 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large and Infinite 2-connected Graphs, Virtual Women in Combinatorics Seminar.
2022 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, Joint Mathematics Meetings.
2020 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, Graphs and Matroids Seminar, University of Waterloo.
2018 Theta Graphs are Hall t-Chromatic, Auburn REU, Auburn University.

Other Talks

2022 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large and Infinite 2-connected Graphs, LSU Combinatorics Seminar, Louisiana State University.
2020 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, LSU Combinatorics Seminar, Louisiana State University.
2019 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, 7th Mississippi Discrete Math Workshop, University of Mississippi.
2019 Unavoidable Induced Subgraphs of Large 2-connected Graphs, 31st Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, University of Central Florida.
2018 Combinatorics Introduction Talk, GEAUX Program, Louisiana State University.
2018 Theta Graphs are Hall t-chromatic, 49th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Florida Atlantic University.


I was the instructor of record, where I had the sole responsibility of preparing and presenting lectures, assigning and grading tests, and assigning the overall course grade for the following courses.

University of South Alabama

Spring 2024 Graph Theory
Spring 2024 Discrete Mathematics
Fall 2023 Finite Mathematics
Fall 2023 Discrete Mathematics

Vanderbilt University

Spring 2023 Methods of Linear Algebra
Spring 2023 Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptography
Fall 2022 Error-Correcting Codes and Cryptography

Louisiana State University

Fall 2021 Honors Calculus I
Summer 2021 Differential Calculus
Spring 2021 Honors Calculus II
Fall 2020 Honors Calculus I
Spring 2020 College Algebra: Taught students with ACT score less than 19 using the R2R format. Classes met twice a week for 50 minutes. The students were required to spend 4.5 hours in a tutoring computer lab in addition to class. All assignments were given using the MyMathLab software.
Fall 2019 Calculus I
Summer 2019 Calculus II: Homework assignments were given using the WebAssign software
Spring 2019 Calculus I: Homework assignments were given using the WebAssign software

Service and Outreach

Vanderbilt University

2023 Math Tutor, Community Achieves at H.G. Hill Middle School.

Louisiana State University

Fall 2021 Mentor for the Communicating Math Graduate Course, Louisiana State University.
2021-2022 Member, Student Colloquium Committee, Louisiana State University
2021 Chair, G.E.A.U.X Orientation Program for New Math Graduate Students, Louisiana State University.
Spring 2020 Mentor for the Communicating Math Graduate Course, Louisiana State University.
2020-2022 Organizer, LSU Combinatorics Seminar, Louisiana State University: Organized and ran the LSU Combinatorics Seminar as a virtual seminar with participants from multiple different countries.
Fall 2020 Mathematics Graduate Student Mentor Program, Started a tiered mentoring program for mathematics graduate students, pairing first-year graduate students with more advanced students for support.
Spring 2020 Mentor for the Communicating Math Graduate Course, Louisiana State University.
Fall 2019 Mentor for the Communicating Math Graduate Course, I mentored a first-year graduate student. I met with the student several times throughout the semester as they observed my class, and guided them through writing and presenting a lecture in my Calculus I course. Louisiana State University.
Fall 2019-2022 Department Representative to the Graduate Student Association,
Represented the mathematics graduate students in the Graduate Student Association and presented any concerns graduate students had to the GSA. Louisiana State University.
2019 Math with Middle and High Schoolers, Gave a talk on assorted topics in Graph Theory to both a middle school and a high school math class. Lafayette Christian School.
2017–2020 Committee Member, G.E.A.U.X Orientation Program for New Math Graduate Students, Louisiana State University.
2017–2022 Mentor, KIDS HOPE Mentored an elementary student in reading, mathematics, and life skills.
2017 Proctor and Grader, High School Math Contest, Louisiana State University.

Professional Memberships

American Mathematical Society
Association for Women in Mathematics

Last Updated: February 2024